Tuesday, July 30, 2024

End of 3 RM Fighter Pull-Up Plan and Grease the Groove One Arm Push-Ups - 07/30/2024

 End of 3RM Fighter Pull-Up Plan and Grease the Groove One Arm Push-Ups - 07/30/2024

Well, the 3 RM FPP has come to an end.  Overall I really enjoyed the experience.  I've been gaining some weight but am pleasantly surprised I'm still able to do solid and strict chin-ups.  I loved the daily Mobility, nightly flexibility and the overall simplicity of the plan.  Once I take two days off, I will begin on Kettlebell Slow Strength .

This plan taught me that there isn't any magic program.  Just do the program you want, we're not winning medals here and life is too short doing movement or exercises you don't want to!  I think this is vitally important, to take a Sabbath every week.  I will say this, it did make the following days chin up much harder because of the water weight I pack on so easily.  In my opinion this is a form of progressive overload, if I can do my chin ups at a bit heavier bodyweight that is a good sign.

What I am changing going forward for Kettlebell Slow Strength :

  • My Cheat Sundays will change a bit.  I'll take the day off still from exercise but my main meal will be a bit more nuanced.  I'll have Salad - Steamed Veggies - Domino's Pizza and then if I feel hungry at all, I'll door dash something sweet.  In the past I would eat too much sugar almost exclusively and the next day I was a bloated and insulin riddled mess.
Thank you for reading and in two days I will begin Kettlebell Slow Strength .

12 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/30/2024

 Day 12 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/30/2024

  • Chin Ups
    • Off
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Off Day Mobility and Flexibility
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 226.4
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 60 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 8,448

Monday, July 29, 2024

11 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/29/2024

 Day 11 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/29/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
    • 5,4,3,2,1
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 225.8
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 58 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 15,929

S - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/28/2024

  Sabbath - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/28/2024

  • Nothing
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 219.2
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 56 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 14,333

Saturday, July 27, 2024

10 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/27/2024

  Day 10 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/27/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
    • 4,4,3,2,1
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 220.6
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 55 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 12,290

Friday, July 26, 2024

9 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/26/2024

 Day 9 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/26/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
    • 4,3,3,2,1
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 218.4
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 55 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 12,574

Thursday, July 25, 2024

8 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/25/2024

  Day 8 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/25/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
    • 4,3,2,2,1
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 220.6
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 57 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 5,434

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

7 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/24/2024

  Day 7 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/24/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 222.2
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 58 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 13,912

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

6 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/23/2024

  Day 6 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/23/2024

  • Chin Ups
    • Off
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Off Day Mobility and Flexibility
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 224.4
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 60 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 8,645

Monday, July 22, 2024

5 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/22/2024

  Day 5 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/22/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 225.8
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 61 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 16,103

S - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/21/2024

 Sabbath - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/21/2024

  • Nothing
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 221.2
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 59 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 11,264

Saturday, July 20, 2024

4 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/20/2024

 Day 4 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/20/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 220.6
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 59 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 13,604

Friday, July 19, 2024

3 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/19/2024

 Day 3 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/19/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 220.6
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 61 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 7,680

Thursday, July 18, 2024

2 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/18/2024

 Day 2 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/18/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 222.2 
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 63 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 2,361

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

1 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/17/2024

 Day 1 - Fighter Pull Up Program 3rm and One Arm Push-Ups - 07/17/2024

  • Warm-Up
    • Joint Circles
    • Toe Touch/Reach Overhead
    • Stick Dislocates
  • Chin Ups
  • One Arm Push-Ups (Regressions/Progressions)
    • Grease the Groove
  • Pre-Bed Stretching
    • Standing Quad Hold
    • 90/90 Stretch
    • QL Straddle (Crossed Legs)
    • Calf Towel Stretch
    • Passive Bar Hang
Health Numbers
  • Weight
    • 222.2 
  • Resting Heart Rate
    • 64 bpm
  • Yesterday's Step Count
    • 14,025

My View on Diet and Nutrition : Simple Outline

My View on Diet and Nutrition

Simple Outline

By Adam Mundorf

My View on Diet and Nutrition
I've had my struggles with food throughout the years, from body dysmorphia in my teens to binge eating in my adulthood.  Regardless, I have some ideas that I have found make sense and work well for me when I apply them.  I'm a huge proponent of the Warrior Diet style of eating created by Ori Hofmekler.  During the day you keep calories minimal or carefully applied.  At night, you eat to your hearts content.  I feel that this style of eating is much more intuitive and conducive to a healthy life.  We've all had that large lunch in the middle of the day that leaves you feeling more tired and unproductive.  The Warrior Diet aims to avoid that.  During the day you keep it light and at night when you're relaxing after a long day lived, you eat to your hearts content during rest.  In the next session I'll lay it all out.

Simple Outline
  • Day-time
    • Water
    • Little Caffeine
      • I personally don't use caffeine anymore but there's nothing wrong with some coffee, tea or zero calorie energy drinks.
    • Fruit
    • Raw Vegetables
    • Light Protein
      • Yogurt
      • Whey Protein Concentrate
      • Nuts
      • Milk
  • Night-time
    • Large Salad
    • Steamed Vegetables
    • Protein Source
      • Meat
        • I personally don't eat meat but there's nothing wrong with it.
      • Eggs
      • Fish
      • Pizza 
    • Carb or Fat Source
      • Nuts
        • I don't really use fat sources because I cook with butter and olive oil plus I consume whole fat dairy.
      • Rice
        • I only use rice after days where I eat eggs.
  • Intuition
    • It's important to realize that the Warrior Diet style of eating is based on intuition and personal feeling.  You're not a robot and you need to keep your eating style flexible depending on circumstances.  Use your head.
    • Some days you might just drink water during the day.  Other days you might have some fruit and light protein snacks.  Other days, you might have to fast for a day or two.  It's all good, stay flexible.
  • Hypertrophy
    • If you're looking to gain muscle and want to change this dietary process, here are a couple ideas for you :
      • Add in a small pre-workout snack of protein with a bit of fruit.
        • Maybe a glass of milk with a banana or something of the sort.
      • Pulse feed some light protein meals throughout the day, every 3 to 4 hours.
        • Milk with some fruit.
        • A salad with a handful of nuts.
        • Yogurt with Fruit
  • Supplements
    • Whey Protein Concentrate
    • Creatine
When to 'Cheat' LOL
I hate that word cheating.  Nonetheless I think it's important to let loose often.  I believe in using Sunday as a complete day off from all exercise and diet protocol.  Eat however you see fit and take this day off as a day of appreciation.  Everything is permitted.

You get the point.

Thanks for Reading.

A Return to Form - The Less I Knew, The Better Off I Was - My Path to Muscle and Might : Do the Dang Programs As Written - When to Skip - What I Will Track - A Final Note

 A Return to Form

The Less I Knew, The Better Off I Was

My Path to Muscle and Might : Do the Dang Program As Written

By Adam Mundorf

A Return to Form

Life has a way of sweeping you along.  Whether it's getting caught in the minutia of everyday life or you make mistakes, sometimes you forget what originally made you feel your best. There was a time in my life when I felt strong, confident and healthy.  As Dan John says : "It worked so well, I stopped doing it."  This is my return to form, I have wasted enough of my time.

The Less I Knew, The Better Off I Was

Man, sometimes only having one option is the best option.  This was my origin in physical training, I had one book : Enter the Kettlebell by Pavel.  That was the only book on physical training that I owned and thus it was the only thing I followed.  My results were extraordinary and left me feeling fantastic.  Then the problems hit : I started buying more books and began losing course.  I began mixing programs like I was some sort of alchemist.  I began hearing multiple opinions about different aspects of physical training and suddenly my mind was muddled with contradictions.  Are weights healthy or are calisthenics better?  Should I skip breakfast or skip dinner?  Should I do the program minimum or the Rite of Passage?

Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out.  Pavel wrote a great article a while back : When You Don't Know What You Believe...

How I wish I could go back to being 'naive' about things.  The more I think about it, the more I realize I can!  All I need to do is put on my blinders and have a one book/program policy.  Everything else stays on the shelf.

My Path to Muscle and Might (Maybe) : Do the Dang Programs as Written 

As much as I've jumped from thing to thing over the years, I have still gleaned valuable insight into proper program progressions and what a good path forward is.  This is my path to Muscle and Might :

  1. Fighter Pull-Up Plan with Grease the Groove One Arm Push-Ups
    1. Reach a beast chin up.
    2. Reach a perfect one arm push-up along the way.
  2. Rite of Passage
    1. 1/2 Bodyweight Press
    2. 200 Snatches in 10 Minutes with 24kg
  3. Return of the Kettlebell
    1. Bodyweight Press with Double Kettlebells
    2. Long Cycle Clean and Jerk with 32kg
      1. Goal Dependent on Bodyweight.
        1. If you're 200 pounds you'll have to put up 20 reps.
  4. Quick and the Dead with Kettlebell Muscle Rotated in 12 Week Blocks
    1. Keep on Rotating until 32kg is Reached in Kettlebell Muscle.
This leads me to another topic of : Do the Dang Programs As Written!  All too often, people (myself especially) will add more to a program or change a program for no good reason other than their own ego.  The egg does not teach the chicken, trust the program and the author.  Make no substitutions.  Have a one book/program policy.  Now, this doesn't mean don't do mobility and/or stretch.  If a program has that included, then do that but if it doesn't don't neglect your joints/tendons just to promote program purity.

When to Skip
If you have a day where you literally have no time.  Skip and pick up where you left off.  Your body doesn't know the difference between 7 or 8 days, just stick with it and don't change course!  Quit stressing about working out when we workout to live, not live to workout.

Skip your training and diet protocol every Sunday.  I'm a huge believer in a weekly Sabbath.  Having a full day of complete rest and remembrance.  Just pick up on Monday exactly where you left off with a new and improved vigor. 

I am now 31 years old.  This is my path going forward.  No more wasting time, no more jumping from thing to thing.....only slow and methodical progress.

What I Will Track
I just got a FitBit tracker and a new scale, so I will be tracking my steps - resting heart rate - weight.  This will help me to see how my health is progressing.  Steps show my daily activity, scale helps me watch my weight and the resting heart rate will gauge my overall recovery.

A Final Note
A change in direction just causes an illusion of progress.  In the past I would change direction and would thus progress no where.  No longer.  No more deleting blogs and starting over, if I struggle and if I fall, I won't give up and will continue until I complete the path I'm on.  Not only that, I will post it for all to see.

Thank you for reading

Adam Mundorf

Thank you for reading.

Kettlebell Slow Strength : My Plan

Kettlebell Slow Strength My Plan By Adam Mundorf Kettlebell Slow Strength I have an aversion to ballistic exercise.  I can do swings and Sna...