Tuesday, July 30, 2024

End of 3 RM Fighter Pull-Up Plan and Grease the Groove One Arm Push-Ups - 07/30/2024

 End of 3RM Fighter Pull-Up Plan and Grease the Groove One Arm Push-Ups - 07/30/2024

Well, the 3 RM FPP has come to an end.  Overall I really enjoyed the experience.  I've been gaining some weight but am pleasantly surprised I'm still able to do solid and strict chin-ups.  I loved the daily Mobility, nightly flexibility and the overall simplicity of the plan.  Once I take two days off, I will begin on Kettlebell Slow Strength .

This plan taught me that there isn't any magic program.  Just do the program you want, we're not winning medals here and life is too short doing movement or exercises you don't want to!  I think this is vitally important, to take a Sabbath every week.  I will say this, it did make the following days chin up much harder because of the water weight I pack on so easily.  In my opinion this is a form of progressive overload, if I can do my chin ups at a bit heavier bodyweight that is a good sign.

What I am changing going forward for Kettlebell Slow Strength :

  • My Cheat Sundays will change a bit.  I'll take the day off still from exercise but my main meal will be a bit more nuanced.  I'll have Salad - Steamed Veggies - Domino's Pizza and then if I feel hungry at all, I'll door dash something sweet.  In the past I would eat too much sugar almost exclusively and the next day I was a bloated and insulin riddled mess.
Thank you for reading and in two days I will begin Kettlebell Slow Strength .

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