Wednesday, July 17, 2024

My View on Diet and Nutrition : Simple Outline

My View on Diet and Nutrition

Simple Outline

By Adam Mundorf

My View on Diet and Nutrition
I've had my struggles with food throughout the years, from body dysmorphia in my teens to binge eating in my adulthood.  Regardless, I have some ideas that I have found make sense and work well for me when I apply them.  I'm a huge proponent of the Warrior Diet style of eating created by Ori Hofmekler.  During the day you keep calories minimal or carefully applied.  At night, you eat to your hearts content.  I feel that this style of eating is much more intuitive and conducive to a healthy life.  We've all had that large lunch in the middle of the day that leaves you feeling more tired and unproductive.  The Warrior Diet aims to avoid that.  During the day you keep it light and at night when you're relaxing after a long day lived, you eat to your hearts content during rest.  In the next session I'll lay it all out.

Simple Outline
  • Day-time
    • Water
    • Little Caffeine
      • I personally don't use caffeine anymore but there's nothing wrong with some coffee, tea or zero calorie energy drinks.
    • Fruit
    • Raw Vegetables
    • Light Protein
      • Yogurt
      • Whey Protein Concentrate
      • Nuts
      • Milk
  • Night-time
    • Large Salad
    • Steamed Vegetables
    • Protein Source
      • Meat
        • I personally don't eat meat but there's nothing wrong with it.
      • Eggs
      • Fish
      • Pizza 
    • Carb or Fat Source
      • Nuts
        • I don't really use fat sources because I cook with butter and olive oil plus I consume whole fat dairy.
      • Rice
        • I only use rice after days where I eat eggs.
  • Intuition
    • It's important to realize that the Warrior Diet style of eating is based on intuition and personal feeling.  You're not a robot and you need to keep your eating style flexible depending on circumstances.  Use your head.
    • Some days you might just drink water during the day.  Other days you might have some fruit and light protein snacks.  Other days, you might have to fast for a day or two.  It's all good, stay flexible.
  • Hypertrophy
    • If you're looking to gain muscle and want to change this dietary process, here are a couple ideas for you :
      • Add in a small pre-workout snack of protein with a bit of fruit.
        • Maybe a glass of milk with a banana or something of the sort.
      • Pulse feed some light protein meals throughout the day, every 3 to 4 hours.
        • Milk with some fruit.
        • A salad with a handful of nuts.
        • Yogurt with Fruit
  • Supplements
    • Whey Protein Concentrate
    • Creatine
When to 'Cheat' LOL
I hate that word cheating.  Nonetheless I think it's important to let loose often.  I believe in using Sunday as a complete day off from all exercise and diet protocol.  Eat however you see fit and take this day off as a day of appreciation.  Everything is permitted.

You get the point.

Thanks for Reading.

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